Please Note: This preview is based upon preliminary artwork and game play. Between refinement and beta-testing there may be a lot of changes before release.
Although still in development stages, we decided to pop a few screenshots of our upcoming game Barrack on you. Barrack is the brain child of Greg Lovette and promises to be a challenging, if not frustrating game. Greg is working with digital  artist Marc Conge to bring his ideas to life.
See that innocent looking red ball up there rotting away in jail? Don’t let looks deceive you. This harmless little sphere and his quirky cousins are bad news. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to isolate these little manic meatballs. This is accomplished by slicing away as much of the screen as possible.
The funky blue pattern is what is left of the playing field. That’s our hero (you) in the middle there gettin ready to zap another boundary. That ball on the bottom will have no where to go real soon.
Here’s a wider view of what is going on. Again, there you are busy cutting away sections of the screen. Looks like you are working with five of the little round critters. You start out with two, piece of cake, and the party gets more crowded as you move along. Luckily, there are yummies available to make your task a little easier.
 The control screen on the left keeps track of (from top to bottom):
Score — This shows friends and neighbors just how good you are.
Bonus — Watch out for that 1/2 multiplier! Not all yummies are good...
Level — Fourth level, five balls on the screen. Wait to you get up to level ten!
Lives — If one of those bouncing beasties hits your beam, bang, you loose a life. Other nasties steal lives too, but you can always earn more.
Yummy Box — The green number shows how much screen you have succeeded in eliminating. Anything above 80% advances you to the next level. The other icons indicate how many yummies you have in your arsenal. Remember, “When the going gets tough, the tough get a bigger gun...”
Barrack is still in the development stages — look for it this Winter! Although The Ambrosia Times only comes out once every other month, our new “What’s New” section at our Web site ( is a great source for Barrack updates.